DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2022-1-41-55
Self-isolation measures implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a quick transition to online instruction. As a result, teachers and students must master online learning tools and technologies in educational institutions. In addition, the problems with online education are frequently reported in scholarly sources. Many participants in the educational process faced difficulties during this period. In our opinion, many difficulties in online education were caused by insufficient training of self- directed learning skills in students and corresponding skills in teachers. At the same time, this group of universal learning skills is a mandatory part of education in Russian schools. The skills of self-organization and self-control are included in the Russian federal state educational standards requirements. A considerable number of scientific publications are devoted to the formation of assessment skills in school children. At the same time, the problem of training self-directed learning skills in online classes has not been sufficiently studied. This article examines the results of an independent assessment of self-directed learning skills and training in online classes for both primary school students and primary school teachers. As a result of the study, the following skills were identified as important for teaching primary school online learners: Planning, Self-Monitoring, Self-assessment, and selecting effective approaches for online learning. Empirical data were collected as part of the study. From this, the following points can be made: Primary school teachers are not prepared for online teaching; time demands on teachers have increased due to the specifics of teacher self-monitoring under the new conditions. Consequently, students need to learn the following skills during online teaching: self-monitoring, use of automated assessment and monitoring tools, self- and peer-assessment in the digital educational environment, and planning. The empirical data obtained show the importance of training self-monitoring skills for online teaching. Therefore, the proposed recommendations for improving teacher training education programs in pedagogical universities and in the teacher professional development system have practical relevance and can be implemented through appropriate educational programs.
Ключевые слова: self-direction, self-control, planning skills, independent assessment in teaching, online learning, online teaching, online education, teacher education, primary school, functional literacy
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Выпуск: 1, 2022
Серия выпуска: Issue 1
Страницы: 41 — 55
Скачиваний: 732