DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2022-1-64-74
In this study, one of the aspects of teaching Russian as an international language, namely the teaching of mathematical terms in the preparatory department of a technical university in Russia, is considered. The relevance of this subject has arisen due to the growing number of international students in Russian universities and the need for them to master the Russian language as soon as possible to continue their studies at Russian universities. This work aims to describe the learning process of Russian scientific vocabulary and terminology of technical disciplines, especially the language of mathematics, by international students from the countries of the former Soviet Union studying at the Preparatory Department of Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. The complexity of mastering scientific vocabulary in Russian arises from the characteristic differences between Russian and Turkic languages. A linguistic experiment was conducted in which students heard and wrote down scientific terms, words, and phrases in Russian. Students were given a dictation test rich in scientific vocabulary. The results have been gathered, and numerous errors in spelling scientific terms have been pointed out. Studies in Russian universities take place mainly in Russian, with active use of scientific vocabulary, which is extremely difficult for people who are just beginning to learn Russian. After correcting the mistakes and explaining the correct spelling of the words, the dictation is repeated. The results obtained are compared. The features of deviations from the norm are identified, described, and structured, and options for working on the implementation of a program for the development of normative writing skills in international students are suggested. For example, it is quite challenging to determine the boundaries of a word, to identify differences between prefixes and prepositions, the normative spelling of vowels in the endings of nouns, adjectives, and verbs, and the spelling of fricative consonants.
Keywords: higher education in Russia, teaching international students, Russian as a foreign language, scientific language style, scientific terminology, language of mathematics
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 64 — 74
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