Peer Review
The peer-review process for manuscripts submitted for publication in Education & Pedagogy Journal is as follows.
- Manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal are reviewed to determine whether they meet professional requirements and are consistent with the journal's profile (peer review). Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements are returned to the authors with a justification for rejection. The submitted articles are checked for borrowings via internet service provider "Antiplagiat" (Antiplagiarism).
- Manuscripts accepted by the editors are sorted by the scientific area. Information about articles accepted by the editors will be posted on the journal website.
- All manuscripts submitted to the journal are forwarded to the members of the Editorial Board, who review them according to the profile of scientific research. After consultation with the Editor-in-Chief or his deputies, they send the manuscript to external reviewers, who are scientists from different universities and scientific organizations.
- The peer-review process is confidential. The author of the peer-reviewed manuscript is given the opportunity to read the peer-reviewed text. If the peer review is positive and contains no comments, the manuscript is accepted for publication, and the author is notified. If the manuscript is positively peer-reviewed overall but contains some comments, a review will be sent to the author, and the article will be returned for revision.
- In case of negative feedback, the author will receive a reasoned rejection. The name of the reviewer is not given, and further contact between the author and the reviewer is handled through the journal's editorial office. The editorial office reviews manuscripts at the request of the authors. Reviews are kept by the publisher and editorial staff for at least five years.
- Short communications, letters to the editor, reviews, discussion papers, personalities, etc., are subject only to initial review by members of the Editorial Board in accordance with the scientific sections and are not forwarded for external review.
Editorial Board e-mail: