DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2023-1-47-60
The article deals with the pathology of the development of interhemispheric interaction in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Based on the research results of Russian and foreign authors on the morphological differences in the corpus callosum in people with ASD, in which a specific neural marker was identified, a new directional vector for corrective work was established. Since the corpus callosum is the main commissure of the brain and is responsible for interhemispheric interaction, the authors suggested that its development in children with ASD in corrective work would reduce such manifestations as uncoordinated handwork, difficulty in the spatial organization of movements and actions and simplification of the program in dynamic practice, as well as improve concentration and increase stress resistance. Therefore, Neuro-gymnastics was chosen as a means of developing interhemispheric interaction. In order to prove the effectiveness of the use of neuro-gymnastics, an experiment was conducted using fragments of the neuropsychological diagnostics of preschool children according to Zh.M. Glozman, in particular, a set of adapted samples, the quantitative assessment of which is compared with the predetermined values. The results of all phases of the study are described. Additional methods served as an experimental factor, in particular neuro-gymnastics, which was included in the lessons with the children of the experimental group, first as a substitute for the traditional warm-up and then in the structure of the lessons themselves. An analysis of the results obtained at the beginning and the end of the experiment suggests that short daily neuro-gymnastics sessions can accelerate the development of interhemispheric interaction in children with ASD and bring it to the level of normally developed children.
Keywords: autism spectrum disorders, autism, interhemispheric interaction, corpus callosum, neuro-gymnastics
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 47 — 60
Downloads: 728