Advantages of Transspective Analysis in Historical Psychological Research
DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2023-2-45-59
In modern historical and psychological research, conducted in accordance with the post-non-classical methodology, it is necessary to shift the cognitive orientation points: from the directions, schools, research programs, concepts of a certain historical period in the development of psychological science to the ways of thinking and types of rationality implemented in it; from a monological, retrospective description of the processes of formation and transformation of the conceptual apparatus of a certain psychological school to a reflexive-dialogical reconstruction of the conceptual heritage of the relevant scientists in each case in the light of today and tomorrow in the development of psychology; from the usual thematic headings and sections of psychological knowledge to the areas of “overlaping” (metaphor of V.E. Klochko) of different types of scientific rationality, in the moving boundaries of which the processes of “rebirth of scientific tissue” (metaphor of L.S. Vygotsky) of psychology proceeded most actively and fruitfully; from known and accepted theories to concepts previously considered peripheral or even marginal, but containing an underestimated heuristic potential; from the traditions of adaptation of scientific explanatory schemes in psychology to the assimilation by psychology researchers of the philosophical and ideological heritage and of the descriptive potential of literature and art. In order to compare the traditional and post-non-classical views of historical and psychological research, the author proposes the metaphors of “restoration” and “renaissance,” which illustrate different approaches to reconstructing historical forms of scientific thought: the preservation of the conceptual monuments of psychological science and the meaningful reconstruction of the conceptual heritage of psychology with a constructive revision of its heuristic potential. The productivity of the application of transspective analysis (developed by V.E. Klochko) in historical and psychological research is justified because it allows: to build analytical bridges between conditionally closed scientific systems and schools; to understand the natural tendencies of complication of psychological knowledge, taking into account the competition and coexistence of types of scientific rationality; to identify the correspondence and complementarity of psychological concepts, between which there are significant temporal or paradigmatic distances; to model the dialog and confrontation of scientists who, for various reasons, did not belong to the same circle of referents or opponents.
Keywords: History of psychology, psychological knowledge, post-non-classical psychology, methodological reflection, conceptual sphere, transspective analysis
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 45 — 59
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