DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2021-2-76-87
The paper presents the results of an empirical study on study overload in adolescent students. The theoretical and methodological grounding of the study is given. The objective relevance of the problem of study overload for the modern system of general education is shown. The nature and manifestations of study overload in the educational process were studied through cause-effect relations. Psychodiagnostic data was subjected to mathematical and statistical processing (correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis), classified, summarized, and interpreted. The results obtained in the empirical study allowed us to understand the prognosis and risks of study overload formation on psychological well-being in adolescence. The conclusion is given that study overload is caused not at the expense of the students’ main study load but as a result of attending additional types of educational classes. The results obtained concluded that one in five adolescent students have a significant, often maximum, pronounced excess of study load. Moreover, one in four students experience the presence of moderate study overload. To prevent study overload, we state that one should focus not only on the normative regulation of certain types of educational activities but also on the students’ subjective state. Recommendations of possible directions of preventive work with students on psychological prevention of study overload are outlined.
Ключевые слова: students’ health, optimum study load, study overload, psycho-hygiene of educational activity, psychological prevention of study overload
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Выпуск: 2, 2021
Серия выпуска: Issue 2
Страницы: 76 — 87
Скачиваний: 892