Irrationality as an integral part of the transgression strategy and its potential for coping with uncertainty
DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2024-2-53-68
The author presents a theoretical and methodological analysis of the phenomenon of irrationality and examines its potential in the process of coping with the discomfort of uncertainty. In the paradigm of existential psychology, irrationality is presented as one of the ways of resisting uncertainty, the increasing obsolescence of individual experience in the conditions of growing awareness of the uncertainty of existence, the immaturity of modern people, and the danger of developing a fragmented identity. The article presents the idea that turning to irrationality in the process of coping with uncertainty acts as an integral part of the strategy of transgression, which can not only take the subject beyond the framework of rational cognition of reality but also provide him with new experiences of adaptation to an uncertain existence and access to the level of new possibilities or logical comprehension of reality and self-understanding (axiology, Bayesian logic, imaginative logic, logic of synchronicity). The author compares the possibilities of rational and irrational thinking and behavior in situations of uncertainty when the available experience is not sufficient, and a person who cares for himself cannot avoid making decisions and acting. The work formulates provisions on irrationality and transgression as components of the mechanisms of meaning formation and self-development.
Ключевые слова: uncertainty, precariousness, identity, experience, transgression, rationality, irrationality
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Выпуск: 2, 2024
Серия выпуска: Issue 2
Страницы: 53 — 68
Скачиваний: 432