Using the memories of Tomsk Oblast inhabitants to teach regional history at school
DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2024-2-69-80
The pedagogical and scientific community actively discusses the problems of teaching regional history at school. The article discusses the possibilities of using the memories of Tomsk Oblast residents to teach regional history. A general description of the situation in the pedagogical and methodological support of regional history teaching is given. It is emphasized that a comprehensive study of regional history is impossible without working on the regional level, which offers a link to local history. Since there are currently no didactic-methodological materials on the history of Tomsk Oblast, the emphasis is placed on memoirs that can be included in an anthology or a collection of documents that are an obligatory part of the didactic-methodological complex. These are the collections “Нарымская хроника” (Narym Chronicle), “Как мы жили: воспоминания и устные свидетельства томских крестьян” (How We Lived: Memories and Oral Testimonies of Tomsk Peasants) and “Я вам, родные, излагаю быль” (I Will Tell You, My Dears, a True Story), in which the memories of residents of Tomsk Oblast are published. The characteristics of the stories contained in them are given. The advantages of including these collections in the educational process at school are shown. The use of the collections will help the teacher to demonstrate one of the main features of modern historical science – the interest in the “little man” that arose in connection with the development of micro-historical approaches in historical research, as well as to show the potential and uniqueness of family archives, where memories can often be preserved. The use of these materials allows students to understand better the diversity of the historical and cultural heritage of Tomsk Oblast. The information content of the memoirs presented in the collections can be understood by studying the following sections on the history of Russia: “The Russian Empire in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries” (topics “Ethnocultural Appearance of the Empire,” “National-Religious Peculiarities”), “Russia in the “Years of Great Upheavals.” 1914–1922 (topic “Civil War and its Consequences”), “Soviet Society in the 1920–30s”) (topics “ The USSR in the Years 1929–1941: “Stalinist Socialism”, “Cultural space”), “The Great Patriotic War. 1941–1945”, “The Zenith and Crisis of the Soviet System. 1945–1991” (topic “Late Stalinism” (1945–1953)).
Ключевые слова: regional history, didactic-methodological complex, anthology, document collections, memoirs, Tomsk Oblast
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Выпуск: 2, 2024
Серия выпуска: Issue 2
Страницы: 69 — 80
Скачиваний: 400