Approaches to Meaning-Making and Practical Implementation of Pedagogical Initiatives by Prospective Teachers
DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2024-3-39-50
Background. The value of a teacher’s initiative is determined by the fact that it enables future and current teachers to actively contribute to the innovative updating of educational content to promote the self-realization of themselves and their students. The development of initiative in future teachers plays an essential role in developing their professionalism and their capacity for self-development. First of all, the teacher must be active and proactive when it comes to finding new teaching methods, introducing innovations into the educational process, and finding solutions to various educational problems. A proactive teacher can better adapt to society’s changing demands and teach students more effectively. This study aims to examine different approaches to training proactivity in future teachers and consider effective methods for the practical implementation of pedagogical initiatives in the educational process. The article aims to determine the importance of pedagogical initiative in the process of professional training of teachers and to identify their ability and readiness for creative activity and self-development. Materials and methods. A systematic analysis of existing publications on the research topic was conducted to determine the importance of the concepts of pedagogical initiative in the context of the development process of a future teacher. Methods were applied to collect and analyze data from news feeds on university websites to determine the types of initiatives maintained by the university. The data obtained was analyzed, systematized, and interpreted. Results. In the theoretical part of the study, three approaches are examined to construct the meaning of a future teacher’s pedagogical initiative. In the first case, an approach is highlighted in which the meaning of the concept of initiative emerges as a psychological characteristic of an individual in the conditions of self-motivation, reaction to external stimuli, and self-actualization. In the second case, the concept reveals the characteristics of students’ independent, proactive engagement indicated for different levels of education. In the third case, an approach in which initiative is considered intrinsic and integral competence of a certified teacher is emphasized. In the practical part of the study, a comparative analysis of the work of teaching and non-teaching universities on the issue of forming initiativeness in future teachers was carried out.
Ключевые слова: initiative, universities, future teachers, classification, education
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Выпуск: 3, 2024
Серия выпуска: Issue 3
Страницы: 39 — 50
Скачиваний: 231