Conceptual Guidelines for Teaching Mathematics in the Second Grade of General Education Schools
DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2024-3-65-86
The proposed article is a continuation of a series of articles dealing with the guidelines for teaching mathematics in the 1st through 11th grade of general education schools based on the Federal State Educational Standard, taking into account the division into knowledge elements. The implementation of the conceptual guidelines makes it possible to determine the content elements in 2nd grade, including the natural numbers from 1 to 100 and zero, counting numbers, actions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; the multiplication tables; the relationships between arithmetic operations; the properties of arithmetic operations; measuring and comparing quantities (length, time, mass, cost); the examples of polylines and polygons; the examples of sets; logical thinking and reasoning; working with tables and bar charts; the examples of algorithms for arithmetic operations, quantities, and geometric constructions; the text problems in one or two actions using models, tables, short notes and diagrams. On this basis, the content of the 2nd-grade textbook is designed, and the ideas underlying the 1st-grade textbook are developed. The theoretical part allows students to answer control questions and helps them solve tests, problems, and exercises with one or more variants. The conceptual guidelines of mathematics teaching in grade 2 form the basis for a vertical structure of mathematics teaching from grade 1 to 11 in general education schools.
Ключевые слова: primary education, teaching, mathematics, knowledge element
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Выпуск: 3, 2024
Серия выпуска: Issue 3
Страницы: 51 — 72
Скачиваний: 223