Psychological and pedagogical periodization of childhood in the concepts of the russian scientific school of the xx–xxi centuries
DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2024-4-90-109
The relevance of studying the phenomenon of childhood, including its periodization, is shown. The study of this topic makes it possible to understand the hidden patterns of the relationship between the systems of “personality” and “society”; it is a contribution to the formation of the theoretical basis of Russian social policy, which includes demography, health care, education, culture, and science. Historically established (generally accepted) and nominal periodizations of childhood are examined, and the most important criteria for the periodization of childhood are mentioned. The author’s concept of periodization of childhood is presented, integrating postembryonic (juvenile) ontogenesis, mental development, social interaction, and the dynamics of the mother-child relationship. The author’s periodization of childhood is systemic in nature, takes into account the biopsychosocial nature of a person, develops a systemic theory of personality (STP), and complements the epistemological models of the mother-child relationship. The systematization of childhood periodization is considered. In order to uphold the prominence of Russian science, the concept developed by the classic Soviet psychologist L Vygotsky is emphasized. The author of this work illustrates the principle of systematizing childhood periodization formulated by L. Vygotsky. The author’s systematization of the nominal periodizations of childhood is presented and supplemented by graphic illustrations. Perspectives for further research are outlined. Within the framework of the authors’ professional interests, childhood and its periodization problem are considered an additional direction in systemic personological research as a separate element of the structure of human reproductive function, an integral part of the mother-child relationship. The material in this article complements the epistemological models used in pedagogy, psychology, and medicine and is intended for use in the educational process of higher education. The periodizations of childhood may be in demand in the study of academic disciplines such as pedagogy, age psychology, anthropology, human morphology, physical education, sport, history, and philosophy.
Ключевые слова: pedagogy, psychology, history, childhood, periodization of childhood, child, biopsychosocial development, ontogenesis, human being, process of growing up
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Выпуск: 4, 2024
Серия выпуска: Issue 4
Страницы: 90 — 109
Скачиваний: 268