Art Education for Primary School Students in Iraq and Russia
DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2025-1-5-18
This article examines the characteristics of art education for primary school students in Iraq and Russia. The study aims to identify the traditions, characteristics, content, and methods of teaching art in primary schools in the two countries. Art education in Russia has a long tradition based on pedagogical and psychological research. In Russia, there is a unified curriculum for teaching art, but in Iraq, there is no unified program for all schools, so teachers can create or choose their own curricula. The Russian art education program has a secular character. It introduces students to the art world and combines creative teaching with exposure to fine art masterpieces. A battle between secular and religious educational trends has been taking place in Iraq for years. Islamic influences are evident in many schools, where traditional art forms such as ornamentation and calligraphy are emphasized. Nevertheless, Western traditions play an important role in training visual arts teachers. Iraqi teachers and artists are reinterpreting Islamic art traditions in a contemporary framework, expanding their reach and potential.
Ключевые слова: teaching art in primary school, cultural traditions of Russia and Iraq, programs for teaching art in primary school, deficits in art education
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Выпуск: 1, 2025
Серия выпуска: Issue 1
Страницы: 5 — 18
Скачиваний: 33