Ecopsychological model of teacher agency formation in the educational landscape
DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2025-1-37-57
According to the ecopsychological model, the formation of personal agency in learners’ educational activities comprises seven interrelated stages, mathematically determined by the coefficients of coherence and integrity. Observations of professionally significant teachers’ qualities were carried out during advanced training courses from 2021 to 2023 in Samara. The studied profile of teachers’ agency reflects the extent to which each stage of personal agency formation is manifested, the coherence between these stages, and the process of interiorization/exteriorization of professional competencies. Correlations were found between the professionals’ educational level, age, and the extent of each stage of personal agency formation. Teachers with high and low coherence differ significantly in the communicative level of universal learning actions. The extent of the stages of personal agency is associated with teachers’ coherence indicators, which exhibit a complex factor structure: four factors for each type of integrity.
Ключевые слова: ecopsychological paradigm, pedagogical environment, stages of agency formation, agency profile, coherence and integrity, interiorization, exteriorization
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Выпуск: 1, 2025
Серия выпуска: Issue 1
Страницы: 37 — 57
Скачиваний: 39