Resilience in Adolescents Depending on Their Role in Bullying Situations
DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2025-1-58-72
The modern social environment brings many challenges that increase the risk of psychological vulnerability in the population as a whole. Young people, in particular, are more likely to have mental health problems and need psychological help. However, many do not seek help even though they need it. This highlights the importance of studying resilience in modern society, as it plays a crucial role in developing teenagers, helping them overcome psychological obstacles that can have long-term effects. Bullying is identified as one of the biggest problems among teenagers, with a particular focus on the risks associated with a psychologically insecure environment. The study aims to investigate the specific resilience characteristics of adolescents in bullying situations. The study presents the results of a preliminary investigation of the resilience of adolescents who take on different roles in bullying situations. Several methods were used for the study, including the “Bullying Risk Questionnaire” (by A. Bochaver, V. Kuznecova, E. Bianki, P. Dmitrievskij, M. Zavalishina, N. Kaporskaya, K. Hlomov); “Bullying Structure Assessment Method” (E. Norkina); “The Child and Youth Resilience Measure Test” CYRM (by A. Laktionova and A. Makhnach); ZTPI “Time Perspective Questionnaire” (by F. Zimbardo, adapted by E. Sokolova, O. Mitina, et al. ); “Cognitive regulation of emotions” CERQ (by N. Garnefski, V. Kraaij, adaptation: O. Pisareva, A. Gritsenko); “Shyness Diagnostic Test” (by A. Belousova, I. Yusupov); “ITQ” (Individual-Typological Questionnaire by L. Sobchik). The study was conducted on 88 adolescents aged 15 to 17 from Novosibirsk. The empirical data was analyzed using frequency analysis, the Kruskal–Wallis H-test, the Mann–Whitney U-test, and Spearman’s rank correlation. The study found no significant differences in resilience between victims, witnesses, and defenders. However, the qualitative characteristics of resilience varied depending on the role the adolescents played in bullying situations. For victims, time perspective played a crucial role in their resilience structure, while extraversion was a distinct individual trait for defenders. These results point to possible directions for future research on adolescent resilience of adolescents in bullying situations as well as areas for improving personal resilience as a preventive approach to bullying in the school environment.
Ключевые слова: resilience, human resilience, adolescent resilience, resilience indicators, educational environment, bullying, time perspective
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Выпуск: 1, 2025
Серия выпуска: Issue 1
Страницы: 58 — 72
Скачиваний: 42