Problematic smartphone use and its relationship to personality orientation, Machiavellianism, and communication skills
DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2023-4-18-29
The associations found in studies between smartphone addiction and numerous manifestations of subjective unhappiness (anxiety, depression, stress, procrastination, decreased self-control and self-esteem, dissatisfaction with life, and family problems) have led to the introduction of the construct ”problematic smartphone use” and the study of its content. The study aims to test the hypothesis that there are associations between problematic smartphone use and personality orientation, Machiavellianism, and communication skills in Russian-speaking society. Data for the empirical study were collected through online testing with 713 respondents in Belarus and Russia, including 361 women aged 15–77 (M = 26.6, SD = 10.9) and 350 men aged 12–82. The working hypothesis was confirmed: The study showed that men’s and women’s problematic smartphone use is positively correlated with self-orientation, Machiavellianism, dependent and aggressive behavior, and dependence on social networks, and negatively correlated with task orientation, assertive behavior, and age. At the same time, Machiavellianism is positively related to self-orientation, negatively related to interaction with others, and unrelated to the person’s task orientation. The results on the associations between problematic smartphone use and Machiavellianism and behaviors complement similar international findings. The relationship between problematic smartphone use and personality orientation has not been studied. The practical significance of the obtained results includes their possible use in prevention work to prevent students from becoming addicted to smartphones.
Ключевые слова: problematic smartphone use, subjective stress, personality orientation, Machiavellianism, communication skills, women, men
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Выпуск: 4, 2023
Серия выпуска: Issue 4
Страницы: 18 — 29
Скачиваний: 335