Non-complementarity in the training of educational psychologists and evaluation of their professional activity
DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2023-4-30-42
The question of non-complementarity in the system of training and evaluation of the work of educational psychologists is examined. Through an analysis and comparison of various texts, ranging from legal and regulatory documents to specialized research, the author presents his view on the origins of this type of contradiction between psychological training in Russia and the system of evaluation of educational psychologists in the field of education. The results of this analysis offer insights into possible ways to solve the existing problem. This position is based on the identified contradictions between the following elements within the training of educational psychologists and the assessment of their professional activities: 1) legal and regulatory, 2) methodological, 3) educational, and 4) personal (personal-professional). The possibilities for resolving these contradictions are described in detail: Defining the basic characteristics of educational psychologists’ activities in the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) and professional performance standards, as well as in the legal and methodological documents related to the work of school psychologists. Eliminate “methodological chaos” by creating a professional and scientifically accurate understanding of the content of educational psychology and its major areas of work in education. Legal clarification of the position and role of the psychologist in the education system and evaluation of the work of the educational psychologist.
Ключевые слова: non-complementarity in the system of education and assessment, practical educational psychology, ways to overcome non-complementarity, personal qualities of a proficient and effective educational psychologist
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Выпуск: 4, 2023
Серия выпуска: Issue 4
Страницы: 30 — 42
Скачиваний: 302