Integration of Logical and Intuitive Student Experience as a Condition for Understanding Mathematics
DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2024-4-49-70
Recent studies in psychology and pedagogy explore the duality of human thought, where two opposing systems – heuristic and analytical – interact in a dialectical unity. This leads to two corresponding ways of understanding the world: logical and intuitive. Focusing solely on developing students’ logical abilities may result in them being able to solve only a small number of typical problems and fail to promote their overall personal development. Therefore, more emphasis is now placed on promoting a deeper understanding of topics by moving away from formal approaches. This is done by encouraging active learning and integrating logical and intuitive thinking, which helps students absorb the information at a deeper level. This article explores how these two styles of thinking can be combined in the mathematics classroom and the impact this has on student learning.
Ключевые слова: intelligence, cognitive thinking styles, intentional experience, conscious learning
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Выпуск: 4, 2024
Серия выпуска: Issue 4
Страницы: 49 — 70
Скачиваний: 212