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1 | I.S. TURGENEV IN A MODERN SCHOOLq. Education & Pedagogy Journal. 2021;1(1):87-103. DOI: Introduction. The article’s relevance is determined by the need to find new ways to study Russian classics in a modern school setting. As studies show, students’ quality of classics perception decreases every year, explained by socio-cultural conditions and methodological aspects. This problem requires special attention in connection with the past and upcoming 200th anniversaries of the most significant canonical writers: I.A. Goncharov, M.Yu. Lermontov, I.S. Turgenev, A.A. Fet, N.A. Nekrasov, A.N. Ostrovsky, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy. The author believes that literary anniversaries are a good incentive to revive the most influential classical literature and include students in their country’s cultural life. And the literature teacher might benefit from knowing the anniversaries mentioned above and whether there are any events dedicated to these anniversaries. Teachers should also contribute to a philological environment in the school and continuously improve literary and methodological competence. The study is based on the biography and works by Turgenev, whose 200th anniversary was widely celebrated in 2018. We want to share the experience of teaching the creative heritage of an outstanding Russian writer in a modern school; we identified the difficulties that literature teachers face and outlined productive ways to overcome psychological and pedagogical contradictions in the theory and practice of literary education, which happens primarily due to the gap between the scientific and pedagogical studies of Turgenev’s works. Materials and methods. The study hypothetically formulated the problem, which was confirmed during the analysis of scientific and methodological works and while evaluating students’ residual knowledge. Results and discussion. Stereotypes of students’ perception of the writer’s personality and his creative work are revealed. Productive ways and forms of acquaintance with the author’s personality, new genres of creating a biographical sketch are considered. Particular attention is paid to Turgenev’s concept of nature and love, their aesthetic and philosophical essence. New methods of enhancing the reading activity are proposed, particularly methods to create intertextuality (based on the appeal to the landscapes by the artists from the Barbizon school). The ways of acquainting students with the writer’s manor texts in the context of the Russian manor culture are presented. Specific recommendations are given to include the “Home of the Gentry” novel in the 10th-grade literature class. New approaches to the study of the “Fathers and Sons” novel are revealed, the comparison teaching method of the television series based on the writer’s work “Bazarov’s Mistake” by Avdotya Smirnova is proposed. Conclusion. To actualize the students’ perception of Turgenev’s novel, a model of a lesson dialogue is developed with the involvement of works of modern Literature (Vera Tchaikovskaya’s remake “New under the Sun”). In general, the study showed that it is possible to teach further methodological improvement of Turgenev’s creative work at school by relying on established traditions and using new forms and methods of the reading activity organization, and by increasing the philological competence of the literature teacher. Ключевые слова: updating the Russian classical Literature, I.S. Turgenev in the modern school, traditions and innovation, stereotypes of the writer’s world perception, knowledge evaluation, Turgenev’s concept of nature and love, manor texts, methods of reading activity enhancement, methods to create intertextuality, intermodality in a literature class | 1323 | ||||
2 | Введение. Произведения русской классики составляют основу школьных и вузовских литературных курсов. Классика живет в «большом времени», и каждая эпоха по-своему их прочитывает и актуализирует. Методические аспекты обозначенной проблемы рассматриваются в данной статье на материале опыта преподавания учебных магистерских курсов в Институте филологии Московского педагогического государственного университета и широкомасштабного исследования, проводимого в рамках гранта РФФИ «Классика в диалоге с современностью: теоретические и методические аспекты изучения русской литературы». Материалы и методы. Мониторинг работ магистрантов Института филологии МПГУ, изучающих дисциплину «Изучение классической литературы в школе» (по направлению 44.04.01 Педагогическое образование (программа: «Актуальные процессы в филологическом образовании»)) и материалы курсов повышения квалификации педагогов при Санкт-Петербургском Институте Бизнеса и Инноваций составляют контент исследования. Результаты исследования. Проведённый констатирующий эксперимент показал возрастание частотности использования цифровых технологий, сетевого контента в процессе изучения классической литературы, а также необходимость привлечения произведений современной литературы с целью организации диалога с шедеврами русской и зарубежной классики. Обсуждение результатов. На современном этапе развития методической науки появилась необходимость в структурировании цифрового контента, активно используемого сегодня в образовательном пространстве для изучения классической литературы, а также вычленение основных направлений работы по сопоставлению классических текстов с произведениями новейшей литературы. Ключевые слова: русская классика, диалог, читатель, литературное образование, методики и технологии в преподавании, профессиональная подготовка, цифровой контент, новейшая литература | 417 |